What can Balanced Hybrid™ help with?
Balanced Hybrid™ and our supporting tools were created to solve real-world challenges faced by organizations and teams as they work to find a practical middle ground for hybrid that can work for everyone. Below are just some of the questions and objectives Balanced Hybrid™ can support.
Increasing In-Office workdays without an arbitrary mandate.
Situation Description
Many organizations have refrained from requiring mandatory in-office days for hybrid, opting instead for a strategy to attract them back to the office.
Even with creative strategies to draw people back, it is not uncommon for return levels to peak around 15%, with most local area associates not coming to the office other than for an occasional event.
Related Challenges
Weakening culture
Slowing innovation & momentum
Onboarding taking longer
New associates not feeling connected to teammates or the organization's mission.
Paying for space that is not being used
Saving money by determining how much space you really need.
Situation Description
Hybrid working has reduced office utilization and provides an opportunity to reduce space or defer the acquisition of new space. Unfortunately, in many cases, it is not clear to leadership how space is currently being used and how much is truly needed.
Without a more intentional and predictable use of space, leaders are faced with making decisions without strong data points and risk missing out on savings opportunities or overspending on new space.
Related Challenges
Making decisions to release space based on the current state of an evolved (vs. intentional) hybrid approach.
While market trends and sentiment about the value of in-office working can shift quickly, finding and building out inviting office space is not quick.
Fast growing organizations who are not using their current space efficiently, acquiring additional but unnecessary office.
Improving the In-Office experience of Associates.
Situation Description
An increasing number of organizations are shifting from an optional hybrid approach to one in which associates are required to work from the office one or more days a week. For many organizations, this change was implemented in response to declines seen around culture and innovation or from frustration about the low voluntary return levels.
Frequently under this approach, an associate can select their own "in-office" days, which can negatively impact team collaboration and effective onboarding of new team members.
Related Challenges
Low probability that a team will select the same in-office days consistently.
If an associate's in-office experience differs little from a remote workday (other than the commute), frustration and resentment can quickly develop.
Office overcrowding on "popular days" such as Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Heavy use of hoteling seats can create an inconsistent and uninviting experience for associates.
See how our tools help you solve your top hybrid model challenges and have a positive impact in under 30-days.